This was eventful month, but we had some really good quotes this month. The votes have been tallied, and here are your winners.
The winner of the Best Out-Of-Context Quote Of The Month award is...
“That's my sister. She's 17. Yes, that's bad”
This category was decided by a tiebreaker, as both MajesticMaverick and D_Bone_ur_sister each had two votes in this category. Mav had more votes in other categories, so he takes the win. Siphen.0 and fantaffx also each had one vote in this category.
In accordance with Megan's Law, I must inform you that the winner of the Worst Quote To Say To Children award is...
“I'm just about every phile you can think of.”
Murdock1114 won this category with three votes, easily defeating LeCambrioleiur's one vote.
And now for the big award. The winner of July's Quote Of The Month is...
ShinjiTakeyama took this one with five votes, which was clearly ahead of LeCambrioleur, Murdock1114, MajesticMaverick, and Siphen.0's one each. I'm not terribly proud of this header, but it's the best I could come up with. It's supposed to be a picture of Vance from Fallout 3 displayed on a Pip Boy with Shinji's quote as sort of like a profile for him. I realize that it makes no sense to use a Pip Boy as a Pokedex, but whatever.
Congrats to all of our winners.
"Dear God...I think we agree on something. I'm scared."
Eargasm Of The Day
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