With E3 around the corner and the Xbox One reveal at our heels, the conversation has been rather dominated lately by the excitement and enragement. So I wanted to take a moment and focus a bit on the past. Specifically, all of our pasts.
I've been on this site for six years and nine months now. By this point, I've enjoyed a long run of features, failed features, more failed features, and one-off posts that have stolen the hearts and minds of those whom I call my blogging friends. But there are a few that I am particularly proud of for myself. So today, I thought I would share with you some of my favorite posts that I've ever done.
The Gaming Dictionary 2.0 - April 11th, 2012 (originally October 20th, 2009)
The Gaming Dictionary came about because I was annoyed by the whole casual vs hardcore discussion that I decided to "lay down the law" so to speak. I decided it was best not to directly come out and say that, and instead I added a few other terms and made it a dictionary. But at its heart, it's a directory of different types of gaming personalities, and grants everyone some solid definitions to terms that everyone was using loosely. And the best part, from my perspective, was just how receptive people were to my definitions. I would, and occasionally still do, link the post in comments when I would see people using the terms "casual" and "hardcore" incorrectly (IMO), and those whom I directed to it would really really seem respond positively, and I noticed the discussion died down significantly after that (probably by coincidence, but don't tell that to my ego). I originally wrote the post on the old blogs, and it got destroyed. But there was a point a little while back where I felt it became necessary again, and I put together a new post with what little survived and my memory of the rest.
The Truth - April 1st, 2012
I like to think that I have a halfway decent sense of humor, but I'm never the funniest person int he room. That's probably why this April Fools post is so sentimental to me. I'm never forthcoming about the more personal aspects of who I am, so revealing myself seemed the best setup. Gaming sites are notorious for trying too hard on April Fools Day (I saw a ton of complaints about IGN's efforts this year), so to see people praising my post as a highlight of the holiday really put a smile on my face.
E3 Impressions and Thoughts, Because One More Couldn't Hurt - June 9th, 2012
Last year at E3 time, now-banned blogger EgoAtlas asked for some impressions of the show because he had missed it, and he turned it into a competition with prizes and stuff. I still had some E3 fever to burn at the time, so I figured why the hell not? I decided I wanted to write it in the style of a journalist who was far too secure in his job, and started making some wisecracks and personal jabs that generally aren't welcome on a professional piece. I was conflicted because I ended up with a lot of content up front, and I really didn't want to do multiple posts. But then I just decided to go balls out and put it all in one post, and then I even dared people to read it in the introduction. It was fairly late at night when I put it together, and I didn't have the desire to properly check grammar or make sure my initial jab at Ego made any sense, but I was happy with my post nonetheless. When I went to sleep, I was certain I would have 0 comments on the post, but I didn't care about that. To my surprise, a few people did read it and comment on it though, which was a nice payoff. Ultimately, Ego chose my post to win his little competition, and while the win itself wasn't important to me, the feedback I saw from others supporting my post to win made me far too happy with myself.
Cliff 'Em All: A Metallica Support(?) Blog - October 29th, 2011
At this point I can't even remember who was running it, but during the autumn of 2011 there was a music tournament on the blogs. Earlier in the tourney I had done a support blog for Black Sabbath, who were beaten by a clearly inferior opponent (I don't remember who, but even people who hated Sabbath and Heavy Metal were like WTF to that one), and I decided that Metallica was the next biggest name in Metal, and they would not suffer the same fate. I stepped up my game, and decided to make this post the end all/be all of Metallica blogs. I went all out and included links and videos galore while recounting their entire career to date. And though my admittedly exaggerated hate for the Black Album got at least one person's contempt, I still stand by the post as a whole as my most thorough post ever.
The IGN Roast Of FozzyTheGamer - September 7th, 2009
This post was unfortunately destroyed beyond repair during the MyIGN switch. However, anyone who has been following me since 2009 may well remember the Roast Of FozzyTheGamer. It was the first time I decided to host a roast, and it was perfect. Even though there was some shaky moments with scheduling, everything worked out perfectly and we ended up with a hilarious group of posts honoring one of the most popular bloggers of the day. More than the excellent humor or any of the more superficial things that post did for me, the part that got me most was how into it everyone was. It wasn't just some idea to fill a void to break the monotony like a lot of my ideas tend to be; it was something people got excited for. I did one more roast after that for AngryMrBungle, though that was wasn't quite as successful. I honestly would love to have done more, but getting roasters became difficult and you can't have a roast without roasters. But still, even though most of the bloggers who participated in the roast are gone now, and even though the roast itself has been destroyed, it was one of the most memorable moments I've had on the blogs.
How about you guys? What are your favorite posts that you've ever done? Give us some links in the comments section and tell us all about them.
“You and your pickle! Why does it always have to be tickled?”
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