Another month in the books, so let's see who came out on top this time..
The winner of the Possible Catch Phrase Of The Month award is...
"If you're suggesting a treesome, then I do know what you mean"
Understandout's quote received five total votes this month; three in this category, one for WQUPL, and one for QuOTM.
The winner of the Worst Quote To Use In A Pickup Line award is...
"...I usually don't want other people around, mostly because my family always kind of half-watches and then makes pointless comments..."
LightningStrike197's quote received two total votes this month, both for this category. Hail_Dixon's quote received the exact same number of votes, so I had to choose the tiebreaker.
And now for the big award. The winner of July's Quote Of The Month is...
NerdExp's quote had a total of six votes this month; four for QuOTM and two for PCPOTM. This is probably the easiest header I've ever had to make for a QuOTM winner.
Congrats to all of our winners. Here's all of the runner ups that didn't win any categories this month. Perhaps someday down the road they might be given a second chance at an award...
"I want to try and be the biggest shithead possible and I've tried being a regular hipster but it got old." - Hail_Dixon (2 votes for WQUPL)
"I keep wondering if I should put out more..." - Amaltheaelanor (1 vote for QuOTM, 1 vote for WQUPL)
"your question assumes two things, 1, that I have never had any fucks to give, and 2, that I just have none to give at all - whereas perhaps I have them, but just unwilling to give them..." - NlovewidJess (1 vote for QuOTM)
"....3 gallons sounds like it is a hefty load though..." - origianlusername (1 vote for WQUPL)
"That's a very safe for work picture you chose..." - 1212thedoctor (0 votes)
"I'm sure most would just throw their hands up and ask that I please stop." - Amaltheaelanor (0 votes)
Quote Of The Day
"The downfall of civilization perhaps. I dunno, I haven't really been paying attention."
Today In Music (August 3rd)
First by Baroness released on August 3rd, 2004.